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Found 29449 results for any of the keywords download parallels desktop. Time 0.033 seconds.
Run Windows on Mac with a virtual machine | Parallels DesktopDownload Parallels Desktop virtual machine to run Windows on Mac without rebooting or slowing down your Mac, plus get over 200,000 Windows apps.
Free 14-day trial of Parallels Desktop for Mac | Apple M1, M2, M-serieGet our latest version with over 20 powerful new features to boost performance and your productivity. Optimized for Apple M series chips and the latest Mac release.
Run Windows on Mac with a virtual machine like Parallels DesktopDownload Parallels Desktop virtual machine to run Windows on Mac without rebooting or slowing down your Mac, plus get over 200,000 Windows apps.
Run Windows on Mac with a virtual machine like Parallels DesktopDownload Parallels Desktop virtual machine to run Windows on Mac without rebooting or slowing down your Mac, plus get over 200,000 Windows apps.
Enable Windows and Developers on Mac | Parallels Desktop Enterprise EdGet enhanced virtual machine management, monitoring, & robust security features & more with Parallels Desktop for Mac Enterprise Edition.
Parallels DaaSA next-generation Desktop as a Service: seamless application and desktop streaming from the cloud, anytime, anywhere.
Kör Windows på Mac med en virtuell maskin | Parallels DesktopLadda ner Parallels Desktop virtuella maskin för att köra Windows på Mac utan att starta om eller sakta ner din Mac, och få dessutom över 200 000 Windows-appar.
仮想マシンを使って Mac 上で Windows を実行 | Parallels DesktopParallels Desktop の仮想マシンをダウンロードすると、Mac を再起動することや、動作速度を減速させることなく、お使いの Mac 上で Windows を実行できます。さらに 20 万件以上の Windows アプリをご利用いただけます。
使用虛擬機器在 Mac 上執行 Windows | Parallels Desktop下載 Parallels Desktop 虛擬機器,在 Mac 上執行 Windows,不必將 Mac 重新開機,也不會拖慢速度,還可獲得超過 20 萬款 Windows 應用程式。
Ejecute Windows en Mac con una máquina virtual | Parallels DesktopDescargue la máquina virtual de Parallels Desktop para ejecutar Windows en Mac sin reiniciar ni ralentizar su Mac y, además, llévese más de 200 000 aplicaciones de Windows.
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